Is There a Cure for Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a type of infection of the soft tissue of the mouth. It’s usually caused by plaque, which accumulates unwanted bacteria around this area. As plaque deposits, it can harden and form tartar, which can only be removed at the dentist’s office with professional cleaning services.

Most people might not be aware of the dangers of plaque and tartar, and simply brush them off as aesthetic issues that can be delayed. However, the sooner you get this addressed, the better chances you have at healing the gums and preventing permanent damage.

Is There a Cure for Gum Disease?

It generally depends on the severity of the periodontal disease. In its early stages, which dentists can call gingivitis, you have the best chances at a full reversal by removing the plaque buildup and preventing the bacteria from affecting the gums.

If you go to the dentist routinely for a check-up and professional cleaning, your risk of developing tartar and, as a result, periodontal disease is very low. However, if left unchecked, the beginning stages of gum disease can quickly become full-blown periodontitis, which can even lead to permanent tooth loss.

Whether or not periodontitis can be cured generally depends on the case at hand. Some patients can respond really well to treatment, but if the infection is severe and there is already damage to the tooth and gum integrity, then patients will need extensive dental work to restore the full function of their smile.

Usually, gum disease is treated with antibiotics to control the infection and scaling to remove tartar. But in severe cases, surgery might also be required.

How to Tell If You Have Gum Disease

Knowing the signs of gum disease is essential because it can give you time to see the dentist before major issues start appearing, such as loose teeth or bleeding.

Look for these signs to know if you might be dealing with some form of gum disease:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Heightened tooth sensitivity
  • Pain when chewing
  • Gum recession
  • Pink hue of saliva when brushing your teeth
  • Tasting blood
  • Bad breath that persists even after brushing your teeth
  • Yellowish deposits at the base of your teeth, especially the lower front teeth

If you notice any of these signs, you should book a dental appointment right away. The sooner you start treatment for gum disease, the better chances you have to avoid permanent tooth damage.

Don’t Let Gum Disease Ruin Your Dental Health

Whether you begin to see the signs of gum disease or are long overdue for a dental appointment, Oakbrook Dental is here to help your dental health get back on track and prevent gum disease from occurring.

Schedule your first appointment with Dr. Patel, or call our office directly at (262) 335-0822 to find out more about how we can help.